Saturday, November 14, 2009

Canon HV20/30/40- The Ultimate Budget Camcorder

I call this little bugger my little beast and indeed it is. Canon seemed to have caught the ultra low budget- bang for buck market with a series of camcorders that blow your mind away when you review your video on a TV monitor.
The HV40 is on for $749 US
So what's the payoff? A sub $1000 cam that shoots 24p (that's the film like mode for peeps who don't understand the jargon) at HD quality.
You also get the advantage of being able to place these small cams in places bigger prosumer types just can't go as well as the ability to shoot "incognito" without drawing the attention a huge production can make in a public space.
Potential clients, however, will not be impressed with its size but they are always impressed by the results.
Independent filmmakers on a tight budget, film school students and documentary makers can benefit significantly with these cams.
However as consumer level types you sacrifice the professional handling that most above $3000 prosumer cams offer. The focus wheel is so tiny and the eyepiece is also small and unadjustable, this makes for some cumbersome operation.
The forums at have countless users who have overcome these obstacles with various mods and add ons, the most notable are Depth of Field Adapters that work well with these cams for that shallow depth of field characteristic associated with film.
The high image quality makes up 10 times over for the consumer level handling that comes with this cam.

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