With the digital revolution we now are able to create films at cheaper costs. Before it was a dastardly expensive affair. Film reels where thousands of dollars and film cameras were thousands more to rent. The celluloid processing was a chemical process that you just had to pay for. Now a HD Camcorder could be bought for a few hundred dollars (that is US) and the film processing step has been knocked out all together.

The modern filmmaker instead uses film stock emulation and colour grading in the post production process to further advance and embellish the story he/she is trying to tell. We have now broken it down to a particular film colour palette, contrast level, film grain, saturation level, depth of field, frame rate and 24p emulation in post.

Most traditionalists argue that 24p is absolutely meaningless and can never replace film. In a sense they actually have a point. 24p at HD resolution cannot compete with film. The resolution that film outputs is significantly larger. However even this is quickly becoming a digital affair.
The Red Series of digital cameras already have achieved film resolution pixel for pixel and are developing the
Scarlet a cheaper version geared specifically for the pockets of independent filmmakers.

Can't afford a 24p cam? No problem. You can convert your footage to 24p in the post production process all it takes is a little know how in the software that you are using. The folks at Red Giant have broken this down to a science a to deliver a great set of colour grading and film emulation software, the
magic bullet suite.
So what does it all boil down to? More creative options for you whatever your budget size maybe. What separates the best from the rest? Making the right creative decisions that optimise the capabilities of your budget, and pure skill and talent.