People often ask me to touch up some photos and overlay some graphics. Its no fault of theirs but its like they expect you to wave a magic wand over an image and presto you have a wonderful final image.
I firmly believe that before you touch up a photo in photoshop its best you get the photography part right. That means proper lighting, composition and ensuring your photo has the right amount of exposure. But the truth is you wouldn't always get an ideal image to work with.

The above image was given to me by a friend and while it was not the most ideal image I ever worked on, it had a decent exposure and composition. However he had already manipulated the image and resized but the proportions was wrong his frame ended up being too wide for his height. and this image was taken with a cell phone camera and there were some noise artifacts that were particularly troublesome on the edges where his skin began to meld with the background in a weird freaky noise dance. I had to cut him out using the pen tool and guesstimate edges that crossed over into green in some cases to help keep him in natural form. Once that was done I re-proportion his width to his height- another guesstimation. Some aggressive colour correction and a brush dabs and end up with this:

Its not my best work but I still pulled off a pretty decent final image. So is photoshop magic real? Of course it is but with every other skill you need to practice your art until you are good enough to whip some magic...
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