Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Low Light Test- Nikon D3100
Yes I recieved my Nikon D3100 and I have put it through some rigorous paces shooting everything and anything I can.
But the above is my first low light test with it and it performed okay. I only wish I had more control over my ISO in video mode on this cam as well as full control over my shutter speed and aperture in video mode but despite all that in the right hands this little beast can do some good work.
This again proves my philosophy when it come to all good film making and television- it is not necessarily the equipment but the people behind the equipment that makes a great product. Any one can buy the latest camera but not everyone can buy your technical know how, your vision, your sweat and expertise.
I will keep practicing...
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Aidonia Concert Highlights 2010
This one was too long over due. Here is some nice footage I got with my Sony PD 170 that i recently sold off. Enjoy.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Plunging Into The DSLR Phenonema

Melissa & Dennis' wedding - another view from Neil van Niekerk on Vimeo.
So I have finally made the plunge. I have laboured with my trusty Canon HV30 and it has served me well but it time to get me some of that DSLR video goodness. I have been courting a serious window shopping for all different types of DSLR, mirrorless and Micro four thirds cameras for quite some time. One of my friends was like "O lawd just buy the ting already!!!" What she didn't know was the true range of choices before me. So in my usual REBEL style I made the best bang for buck decision- the Nikon D3100. It ships to my neck of the woods next week.
I was initially going for the Canon T3i but due to a tight financial situation the Nikon fit my budget without compromising video quality as much as I previously thought. My only problem is that the Nikon D3100 doesn't have an audio input however since all my upcoming work utalizes the Tascam DR-05- (a superb audio recording device!!!)- I can live with lining my audio and video from separate sources in my post production.
The above video showcases the superb quality you can get out of the Nikon D3100. Again I will stress its not always about your gear but how you use what you have.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Photoshop Magic Is It Real?
I firmly believe that before you touch up a photo in photoshop its best you get the photography part right. That means proper lighting, composition and ensuring your photo has the right amount of exposure. But the truth is you wouldn't always get an ideal image to work with.

Nikon D3100

Amazon is current selling the Nikon D3100 SLR for about $530 US. It is a tempting buy. At this price it is a worthwhile alternative to the Canon Rebel t2i and t3i. I have been reading up some reviews and my only problem with is the lack of audio input for your video recordings but I still plan to check it out for myself soon...
Thursday, September 22, 2011

TWISS stands for Tird World International Sound System. It is a DJ sound system owned and operated by Fadda Flex. After I created and conceptualised Rebel Stream Flex continues to help me operate and formulate the groundwork for Rebel Stream as a medium for grassroots urban culture.
We both agreed that as operators of Rebel Stream and TWISS that we would push and support local music from Trinidad and Tobago as much as we possibly can. Flex has since started TWISS Radio an Internet Radio station and I wish him all the best as he continues to operate it. is Nice!!!!

So I just discovered So far it looks like a great platform for freelancers and I now I think I am ready to step out hold the bull by the horns and start my freelance business online.
it even has a greater tracker system that can log your hours on a project and automatically send a report to your client. I'm really new to this but I plan to get as familiar as i can with this tool and try to have a great profile to attract clients...
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Rebel Vibe
We started shooting Rebel Vibe every sunday featuring local artistes from TRinidad and Tobago.
This week Perks came through and it was a lot of fun just vibing with this cool brother... Look out for more next week...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Rebel Stream

Rebel Stream is a new brand I am working on. The original concept was created solely as an internet tv station to stream live and original content made about urban trinbagonian culture, music, art and other movements within the underground scene locally, but we may widen its scope a bit.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Starting Small Big Time
My tutorial base...
They say do what you love. and do it hard. I really don't want to repeat the cliche, but this is really exciting times where quality content can be created with a low budget and time to invest into what u are doing.
Mystery GuitarMan does it hard:
And this dude DeStorm
O wait thats Ray William Johnson in that clip too, dude's Equals Three show on youtube is tha shit yo!
Adobe CS 5: So good it makes you feel Obsolete.

I have been longing for my copy of Adobe CS 5 Production suite. However I can't get it just yet.
Adobe CS 5 in all its sweetness, hello content aware selection in Photoshop? Hmmm wow. I likey but "content aware" is adobe's new technology that allows you to easily fill in a background behind an element that you have taken out of a photo. Well the following vid explains it much better:
However, I can't get this goodness just yet, you see Adobe CS5 hasn't just bumped up its creative powers but it has become a much larger powerhouse, literally. This 64bit system renders my crappy old 32bit Mac Book pro useless if I want to upgrade from CS4 to CS5. So I have no choice I have to buy a new Computer. O well. I cant be obsolete forever.
Monday, February 14, 2011
180 Degree Rule
180 Degree Rule from Filmstudies_DaVega on Vimeo.
The 180 degree rule good to know for every filmmaker.
$28 Dirt cheap 3.5 inch DSLR Field monitor
Genius! Dude hooks up an ultra cheap monitor to his DSLR rig.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Stu's Colorista II- I want it
02 - Multishot Workflow With Magic Bullet Colorista II from Red Giant Software on Vimeo.
This plugin is the shit! I want a copy!