Its always a surreal feeling I get when I confront my own stupidity.
No really. Sometimes, weeks, months will pass and I would think back to a certain incident and the AHA! Moment pops up in my head. Aw shucks too late to apologise or take back what I said or done. Damn.
So I just wheel back and try to learn the best I can from the offending gaffe or action and try to brush up on whatever discernment skills I presently have.
The real fool is the one that refuse to admit fault.
I used to beat myself over and over about these things and then I finally realised that is no use either. No one could ever be perfect all the time. So humble myself admit my wrong and then move on. I can smile and feel much lighter than having to carry a dead burden nobody else really cares about.
But most renching is being brave enough to admit this to someone else other than yourself especially when some iota of vulnerability is involved....
Especially when not everyone is on the same level of life, maturity and frame of mind...
So it is much easier to write this than to actually do it but self reaffirmation helps even more when I begin to listen to myself as well as others around me. Negotiate between the constant chatter within and the noise outside and maybe you may just get the message. Live well and live well with others.
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